Handcrafted: It is 100% authentically handcrafted - i.e. it is carved by hand with hand tools, which allows to produce a genuinely beautiful carving blessed by warmth of human hands. No electric equipment (such as violent noisy routers, electric sanding machines etc.) are used in my shop. Unique: Each cookie mold is unique and carved only once. Functional: This cookie mold is both beautiful and 100% functional. It will make an exquisite decoration for your kitchen, plus it is durable enough to withstand decades of active use to produce unbelievably tasty honey cakes. With this mold you will receive a valuable free bonus - an ancient Russian recipe of honey cakes known for their exceptional taste and shelf life of over one year (hmm, in our family they never last a week :). Tradition: I learned the art of carving through apprenticeship in Moscow, Russia, with a famous woodcarver, who shared with me ancient techniques and symbols. Designs on most cookie molds available today (birds, animals, flowers, even humans, etc.) are based on European tradition, which is only several hundred years old. In comparison, the Russian tradition of cookie making is well over one thousand years old, and the ancient symbols I use are many millennia old. The Russian word for cookie is pranik, which has the same root as Sanskrit word prana, energy. Praniks were traditionally more than food - a powerful source of energy and even protection from evil forces. The symbol on this mold is over 2000 years old. I am proud to upkeep the ancient tradition of quality hand woodcarving and am happy to share it with you. I truly enjoy carving cookie molds (and my wife enjoys putting them to use to bake unbelievably tasty honey cakes), and I hope you will genuinely enjoy them, too! Contact us: If you are interested in owning this or any other mold and have questions, please contact us ! For information about ordering our carvings, please visit our ordering information page. If you have any questions about this or other molds, their symbology or anything related to traditional Russian woodcarving, please e-mail us and we will be happy to help!