Welcome! This web-site is devoted to the ancient Russian craft of woodcarving, in particular to the making of cookie molds and honey-cake baking with them.
The web-site is created and maintained by carver Leo Sharashkin who can be reached at Låî@RingingCedar.ñîm (e-mail encrypted to prevent spam; do not cut and paste it, type it by hand)
Thanks for looking and best of luck!
Save $50 on a genuine handcrafted cookie mold with a powerful symbol, made of fragrant sassafras wood. Learn more . |
| Craft The ancient Russian tradition of woodcarving, its symbols, woods, etc.
| Carvings The gallery of handcarved cookie molds, home utensils, wood jewelry and more.
| Recipes The ancient recipe of making honey cakes and more.
| About us Our woodcarver, our cake baker, our helper and our teacher.
| Ordering What to do if you want a genuine handcarved cookie mold, but have no time to carve it yourself...
| Resources What to read about Russian woodcarving, Ringing Cedars and the purpose of life.