MOLD 013
Symbol: 6 swastikas woven into each other. Swastika is one of the most ancient (if not the most ancient) universal symbols of harmony and heavenly order, found in cultures on all continents. In the ancient Aryan language s-was-tika means "the one that came from heaven". This symbol represents the turning of Sun around Earth. It is repeated six times, signifying six levels of the elevation of consciousness, the seventh level, represented by the six symbols as a whole represents Wholeness. The symbols are woven one into another so intricately, that eye looses them and sees a beautiful labyrinth-like pattern. This symbol comes from the ancient Russian tradition.
Wood: black cherry (Prunus serotina). The mold is traditionally treated: This mold was traditionally treated to make it beautiful and durable. It was held over live fire (to slightly tan & burn the surface of the mold to highlight the design and natural beauty of the wood), it was permeated with 100% natural beeswax (to seal wood's pores, make it waterproof and durable, and intensify the yellow birch's incredible color), and covered with 100% organic food grade linseed oil (to add a glossy shiny look).
Dimensions: 5 7/8 x 7 3/4 x 7/8 in (14,8 x 19,7 x 2,1 cm).
Notes: this mold is available FOR SALE. The suggested price is $139. If you are interested in owning this mold, please note its number and contact us ! We will confirm the mold's availability and send you payment instructions, which you can also find on ordering information page. If you have any questions about this or other molds, their symbology or anything related to traditional Russian woodcarving, please e-mail us and we will be happy to help.