MOLD 015
Symbol: molvnichok (the symbol on the mold) protects from bad words and hostile eyes - a very good protective symbol to have in one's home. The imprint on the cookie, kolohort symbolizes the opposites such as light and darkness, truth and lies, etc. In ancient times this symbol was used to resolve disputes. Therefore, praniks (honey-cakes) with this symbol can prevent or help resolve disputes at home.
Wood: yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis). Yellow birch has an extremely beautiful patterned wood with a dark-brown heart. This mols was traditionally treated to make it beautiful and durable. It was held over live fire (to slightly tan & burn the surface of the mold to highlight the design and natural beauty of the wood), it was permeated with 100% natural beeswax (to seal wood's pores, make it waterproof and durable, and intensify the yellow birch's incredible color), and covered with 100% organic food grade linseed oil (to add a glossy shiny look).
Dimensions: 6 x 5 5/8 x 1 in (14,7 x 14,2 x 2,5 cm).